Are you honoring your need for relaxation?
To loosen and become less formal and decrease tension
Relaxing doesn’t necessarily mean taking a long nap.
It simply means doing things that calm and soothe your mind, body and soul.
Like my meditation teacher once said, relaxation is a native plant that grows in your own backyard.
In fact, the word relax simple means to loosen and become less formal and decrease tension.
The goal, then, is to engage in relaxation activities that are uniquely appealing to us. Whatever it takes to reach a state where we feel unburdened by his life’s troubles.
And so, the accountant who spends all day staring at numbers on a spreadsheet of might relax by sparring at the boxing gym. The art teacher who comes home from school covered in paint and clay might relax by doing crosswords that challenge her brain. The novelist who works in a home office and lives inside his ow head might relax by chopping wood in field behind his house. The surgeon who holds his patient’s lives in his own two hands spends lunch breaks in the car playing flute solos along with the radio.
Each of these individuals has a commitment to their relaxation practice.
I once heard an interview with a famous opera singer who said that he relaxes by flying planes. Groban says that it’s the polar opposite of singing. Piloting is a very precise, left brain, structured activity that requires a profound attention to detail. And after singing hundred year old songs at the top of his lungs in front of thousands of people each night, landing an aircraft on the runway is supremely relaxing for him.
Where can you go that helps you relax best? How will you activate a unique tension releasing experience that’s inaccessible to you anywhere else?
The answer won’t save your life, but it will make the rest of your life happier.
Are you honoring your need for relaxation?
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
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