Is this moment a sign that letting go may be in order?
It’s an act of mercy toward yourself
Everything you ever wanted to learn about acceptance, surrender, letting go, forgiving yourself and finding peace can be summarized in five simple words.
Get on with your life.
Consider all the examples that play out on a daily basis.
Instead of trying to argue with reality, walk away in kindhearted acceptance. And get on with your life.
Instead of obsessing over labels and minor details, remember that it won’t matter a year from now. And get on with your life.
Instead of burning calories on another pointless battle with someone who isn’t worth your time, just delete the email. And get on with your life.
Instead of spending your entire lunch break on the phone trying to convince the bank to remove that nominal overdraft fee on your account, just let the four dollars go. And get on with your life.
Instead of disappearing down the social media rabbit hole of comparison, put your phone back in your pocket. And get on with your life.
Instead of chasing after people who have consistently rejected you and try desperately to change their minds, accept that it wasn’t meant to be. And get on with your life.
Instead of letting a momentary poor judgment create a lifelong depression, forgive yourself for being human and making a mistake. And get on with your life.
It’s an act of mercy toward yourself.
These five simple words will bring you more peace than you can possibly imagine.
Is this moment a sign that letting go may be in order?
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
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