Keep a playbook in the drawer and hope you never have to use it
Lessons learned from Disrupt 2017, day two
Disrupt came to town this week.
AirHelp, as an alumnus of the startup battlefield, had the privilege of returning to the conference to learn what’s new in the world of tech, connect with exciting companies and learn from inspiring speakers.
Yesterday we looked at insights from day one, and here’s day two:
1. Most technologies spend ten years in development before they reach the human population. Fascinating perspective from a biotech scientist. She reminds us that most people’s problem isn’t a lack of focus, it’s a lack of patience. That’s what winning startups know. That it’s a long arc game. That labor sets its own pace and has its own schedule. And if we try to rush the process, if we’re unable to trust that the thing we’re building will unfold according to its own timetable, we won’t be around in a decade.
2. Build a platform to expose people’s capabilities. Local Motors, the world’s biggest distributed auto manufacturer, uses micro factories. They can 3D print a car in twenty nine hours. Their founder reminded us that each of us is born with a talent we are meant to use. Everyone has a reservoir of genius worth discovering. And if a company can give people the right opportunities and use those talents properly, they’ll be around forever.
3. Keep a playbook in the drawer and hope you never have to use it. A marketing colleague of mine shared insights about crisis communication. How every company is in the business of public relations. And in a post fact world of instant press, true or not, real time response marketing is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. United’s recent debacle was the perfect example in the travel industry, and AirHelp was fortunate to use that moment as a opportunity to educate passengers about their rights.
4. Ask yourself three key questions. Handy’s founder had amazing insights about entering new marketplaces. He posed three questions every entrepreneur should ask. Does anybody care? Can we be the best? And can we create a sustainable long term business? Two isn’t enough. You have to be able to answer all three. Without the critical intersection of need, quality and continuity, the brand is doomed for failure.
See you at day three!
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
Never the same speech twice. Customized for your audience. Impossible to walk away uninspired.
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