Move from stagnation and isolation into expansion and cohesion
Going to great lengths to avoid unnecessary human contact
No matter how much attention I got, the loneliness still returned.
And I couldn’t take it anymore.
Because deep down, I knew there was a whole life unlived by me. I knew that if I took a moment, I would find a beautiful new world waiting for my participation.
And so, I forced myself to look at what was blocking me from including and working with others in my life. Only to find an outdated story. A calcified layer of thinking. A delusion that I could allow myself not to need anyone, and not be needed by anyone.
Goldberg’s words echo in my ear.
We can only get so far on our own, but eventually, we have to join. It’s so true. No matter many powerful reasons we have for isolating, life is a wilderness too fearsome to assail alone. And denying the reality of our desire to be with others is simply not healthy.
It was time. I was finally ready to give up my choice for loneliness and make contact with those around me. Because god knows that brooding about my situation and stewing with my feelings of isolation was only worsening my situation. God knows it does nobody any good to labor alone and think about how steeply the odds are stacked against them.
Point being, we shouldn’t congratulate ourselves for being willing to go to great lengths to avoid unnecessary human contact. It’s not a badge of honor, it’s an insult to our humanity.
Cameron said it best in her book about the artist’s way.
A sense of loneliness and isolation arises not because we lack relationships or interactions with others, but because we lack that relationship with ourselves.
As usual, the battle starts within.
Are you finally ready to move from stagnation and isolation into expansion and cohesion?
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
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