Remain tolerant and courageous as you face all the dismantling required
It took a long time for your body to get this way
Whatever physical injury or mental anguish has come your way, the most important truth to remember about your suffering is:
It took a long time for your body to get this way.
Which means it will take a long time to get some other way. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. And if you have any intention of getting back to your old self again, then try to be patient and loving with your recovery.
Because it takes perseverance and time to heal, often much more than you’d like. Progress is incredibly slow and exasperatingly incremental, but it is possible. Our minds and bodies are capable of extraordinary restorative powers, it just takes a while.
Think of it this way.
Have you ever see a dog lick its wounds before? There’s a science behind this ritual.
A dog’s saliva has been clinically found to heal wounds. It contains chemicals that are antibacterial, and the motion of a dog’s tongue can aid the cleansing and healing process, as the saliva loosens debris on the surface of a cut.
Forgive the anthropomorphism here, but that’s a beautiful expressing of love, acceptance and patience. Dogs don’t beat themselves up about the mistake they made which caused the cut, they don’t rehearse their catastrophic future about what this cut means for their lives, and they’re not frozen in fear contemplating the worst case scenarios of the cut escalating into something worse.
They’re just licking themselves. Being active participants in their suffering, rather than victims.
Humans could learn a thing or two from our canine friends. Imagine how much calmer we would be if we were willing to submit ourselves to the ancient rhythms of our internal sea. Imagine how much lighter we would feel if we were willing to surrender to the wind and wherever it blows.
Blood pressure levels would drop worldwide.
Let us return to the mantra from before:
It took a long time for your body to get this way.
Be patient as you return to your old self. Hurry has no blessing. Impatience, rushing and insisting on instant results only slow down our recovery.
Will you remain tolerant and courageous as you face all the dismantling required for you to heal?