Take what should have held you back and use it to move forward
Mercy is for the weak, here on the streets
There’s no need to panic at the thought of our own weaknesses.
They’re worth making friends with.
In fact, once we know what they are, and once we’re willing to face them head on, these weaknesses can actually become strengths.
During the second world war, a small population of aerial observers were specifically recruited because they were colorblind. Turns out, their condition made them unable to distinguish military equipment that was designed for normal eyes, such as camouflage.
And so, thanks to their disability, their impairment of vision, their eyes were never fooled. All they could see was the thing itself. Which made them an invaluable asset to the organization.
It’s an interesting paradox, considering we live in such a macho man, alpha dog, winning is everything, only the strong survive culture.
We back away from any expression of vulnerability.
We overlook the value of our own weaknesses, assuming they’re best discounted, delegated or deleted; and not located, loved and leveraged.
But the secret is, this weakness, this vulnerability, can actually become our strongest weapon. It’s simply a matter of mindset. Mental framing. It’s the story we tell ourselves about our own limitations.
Limitations are the doorways to our deepest value. They’re always worth making friends with.
And the best part is, endorsing our own weakness establishes our acceptance of the imperfect humanness of others.
How might you take what should have held you back and use it to move forward?
For the list called, “99 Ways to Think Like an Entrepreneur, Even If You Aren’t One,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter
Never the same speech twice. Customized for your audience. Impossible to walk away uninspired.
Now booking for 2017–2018.
Email to inquire about fees and availability. Watch clips of
The Nametag Guy in action here!