What are you still afraid to feel in front of others?
Trying to keep our sadness pent up inside
As men, we are trained from an early age that silence is manly.
That no matter how sad we are or how much pain is coursing through our veins, it’s our job to sit there stoically and bleed all over our clothes.
Masters wrote an insightful book on masculine power and fulfillment that summarized this gender trend perfectly.
Men overvalue performance and the appearance of having it together. That’s why so many men take pains not to appear soft, as softness in a man is also commonly equated with sexual failure. Softness is the failure to stay hard.
This is something that resonates with me, as a man who has always cried at movies, songs, plays, weddings, letters, books, speeches, advertisements, television shows, intimate conversations and documentaries about animal odd couples.
All of these expressions of human beauty turn on the waterworks within seconds. And it’s always been something people shamed me for. Friends, family members and strangers. To the point that trying not to cry became a bit of a superpower.
But as an adult, something has finally occurred to me about crying.
We can be proud of having our own feelings about the world. We can be proud of knowing what we’re feeling while we’re feeling it. And we can proud of being able to both contain and openly express our sadness.
It’s certainly better than trying to keep our sadness pent up inside where it can quietly fester into a mental illness.
What are you still afraid to feel in front of others?
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
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