What are your mechanisms for expressing gratitude?
Thank you mother nature for bringing the rain, it’s revenue!
Julia writes in her book about prosperity and abundance:
Gratitude makes us conscious that life is made of thousands of small variables, and that many of those variables are already good. And it is by counting our blessings that we begin to be able to see them, and it is by seeing them that we begin to fathom the possibility that the universe could actually intend for there to be more of them.
It’s hokey but valid. That which we appreciate, appreciates. That which we focus on, expands.
This principle reminds me of a friend of mine who works in the marketing department at the weather channel. Every time there’s a thunderstorm in his hometown, he literally looks up to the sky and says:
Thank you mother nature for bringing the rain, it’s revenue!
That’s the attitude we should take with everything. Locating the joy, no matter what package it arrives in. Giving thanks, even when it’s hard to see where that thing serves our good.
Here are your daily mediations.
Instead of making scarcity your home vibration and assuming that it’s only a matter of time until the source of your bounty dries up, practice taking in what is actually being given to you with a sense of gratitude. Trusting that there is more where that came from.
Instead contracting into scarcity and bemoaning your fate about what’s missing in your life, reframe your attention to view everything as a gift that has been given to you. Trusting that you cannot measure the treasure that awaits.
What are your mechanisms for expressing gratitude?
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
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